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Groundhog Day 2023

Today February 2, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. It scared him, and he ran back into his burrow. Thus 6-more weeks of winter weather-no early spring. Then again, spring is 46 days from now. Let us do the math 6 (weeks) x 7 (days per) equals 42 days. I don't know how all of this forecasting works.

Another prediction tied (who knew) to Punxsutawney Phil and his shadow; according to Market Watch if Phil sees his shadow and it's bad news for stocks. I don't know about this prediction, either.

What does all this mean? I don't know. But let us cut Punxsutawney Phil some slack. He's not a meteorologist or economist.

As for myself, I'm looking forward to Pitcher's and Catcher's reporting for Spring Training 2023 in 11 days.